

This is the quickstart guide for Trinity. If you only care about running a Trinity node, this guide will help you to get things set up. If you plan to develop on top of Py-EVM or contribute to the project you may rather want to checkout the Contributing Guide which explains how to set everything up for development.

Installing on Ubuntu

Trinity requires Python 3.6 as well as some tools to compile its dependencies. On Ubuntu, the python3.6-dev package contains everything we need. Run the following command to install it.

apt-get install python3.6-dev

Trinity is installed through the pip package manager, if pip isn’t available on the system already, we need to install the python3-pip package through the following command.

apt-get install python3-pip


Optional: Often, the best way to guarantee a clean Python 3 environment is with virtualenv. If we don’t have virtualenv installed already, we first need to install it via pip.

pip install virtualenv

Then, we can initialize a new virtual environment venv, like:

virtualenv -p python3 venv

This creates a new directory venv where packages are installed isolated from any other global packages.

To activate the virtual directory we have to source it

. venv/bin/activate

Trinity uses Snappy Compression and hence needs the Snappy Library to be pre-installed on the system. It can be installed through the following command.

apt-get install libsnappy-dev

Finally, we can install the trinity package via pip.

pip3 install -U trinity

Installing on macOS

First, install LevelDB and the latest Python 3 with brew:

brew install python3 leveldb


Optional: Often, the best way to guarantee a clean Python 3 environment is with virtualenv. If we don’t have virtualenv installed already, we first need to install it via pip.

pip install virtualenv

Then, we can initialize a new virtual environment venv, like:

virtualenv -p python3 venv

This creates a new directory venv where packages are installed isolated from any other global packages.

To activate the virtual directory we have to source it

. venv/bin/activate

Now, install Snappy Library with brew as follows:

brew install snappy

Finally, install the trinity package via pip:

pip3 install -U trinity

Installing through Docker

Trinity can also be installed using Docker which can be a lightweight alternative where no changes need to be made to the host system apart from having Docker itself installed.


While we don’t officially support Windows just yet, running Trinity through Docker is a great way to bypass this current limitation as Trinity can run on any system that runs Docker with support for linux containers.

Using Docker we have two different options to choose from.

1. Run an existing official image

This is the default way of running Trinity through Docker. If all we care about is running a Trinity node, using one of the latest released versions, this method is perfect.


docker run -it ethereum/trinity

Alternatively, we can run a specific image version, following the usual docker version schema.

docker run -it ethereum/trinity:0.1.0-alpha.13

2. Build your own image

Alternatively, we may want to try out a specific (unreleased) version. In that case, we can create our very own image directly from the source code.

make create-docker-image version=my-own-version

After the image has been successfully created, we can run it by invoking:

docker run -it ethereum/trinity:my-own-version

Running Trinity

After Trinity is installed we should have the trinity command available to start it.


While it may take a couple of minutes before Trinity can start syncing against the Ethereum mainnet, it should print out some valuable information right away which should look something like this. If it doesn’t please file an issue to help us getting that bug fixed.

    INFO  05-29 01:57:02        main
  ______     _       _ __
/_  __/____(_)___  (_) /___  __
  / / / ___/ / __ \/ / __/ / / /
/ / / /  / / / / / / /_/ /_/ /
/_/ /_/  /_/_/ /_/_/\__/\__, /
    INFO  05-29 01:57:02        main  Trinity/0.1.0a4/linux/cpython3.6.5
    INFO  05-29 01:57:02        main  network: 1
    INFO  05-29 01:57:02         ipc  IPC started at: /root/.local/share/trinity/mainnet/jsonrpc.ipc
    INFO  05-29 01:57:02      server  Running server...
    INFO  05-29 01:57:07      server  enode://09d34ecb0de1806ab0e68cb2d822b967292dc021df06aab9a55aa4d2e1b2e04ae73560137407a48073286026e12dd60d265a1b1ae0505e44e60d55cea9c7b100@
    INFO  05-29 01:57:07      server  network: 1
    INFO  05-29 01:57:07        peer  Running PeerPool...
    INFO  05-29 01:57:07        sync  Starting fast-sync; current head: #0

Once Trinity successfully connected to other peers we should see it starting to sync the chain.

INFO  05-29 02:23:13       chain  Starting sync with ETHPeer <Node(0xaff0@>
INFO  05-29 02:23:14       chain  Imported chain segment in 0 seconds, new head: #191 (739b)
INFO  05-29 02:23:15       chain  Imported chain segment in 0 seconds, new head: #383 (789c)
INFO  05-29 02:23:16       chain  Imported chain segment in 0 seconds, new head: #575 (a1d0)
INFO  05-29 02:23:17       chain  Imported chain segment in 0 seconds, new head: #767 (aeb6)

Running as a light client


It may take a very long time for Trinity to find an LES node with open slots. This is not a bug with trinity, but rather a shortage of nodes serving LES. Please consider running your own LES server to help improve the health of the network.

Use the --sync-mode=light flag to instruct Trinity to run as a light node.

Ropsten vs Mainnet

Trinity currently only supports running against either the Ethereum Mainnet or Ropsten testnet. Use --ropsten to run against Ropsten.

trinity --ropsten

Connecting to preferred nodes

If you would like to have Trinity prioritize connecting to specific nodes, you can use the --preferred-node command line flag. This flag takes an enode URI as a single argument and will instruct Trinity to prioritize connecting to this node.

trinity --preferred-node enode://a41defa74e8d9d4152699cb9a0d195377da95833769ad6b386092ac3b16c184eb4ef4b4f02889e0b5097ff50fb5847ba99694d40b61f911cdea07b444b00e676@

Using --preferred-node is a good way to ensure Trinity running in sync-mode=light mode connects to known peers who serve LES.

Retrieving Chain information via web3

While just running trinity already causes the node to start syncing, it doesn’t let us interact with the chain directly (apart from the JSON-RPC API).

However, we can attach an interactive shell to a running Trinity instance with the attach subcommand. The interactive ipython shell binds a web3 instance to the w3 variable.

trinity attach

Now that Trinity runs in an interactive shell mode, let’s try to get some information about the latest block by calling w3.eth.getBlock('latest').

In [9]: w3.eth.getBlock('latest')
AttributeDict({'difficulty': 743444339302,
'extraData': HexBytes('0x476574682f4c5649562f76312e302e302f6c696e75782f676f312e342e32'),
'gasLimit': 5000,
'gasUsed': 0,
'hash': HexBytes('0x1a8487dfb8de7ee27b9cca30b6f3f6c9676eae29c10eef39b86890ed15eeed01'),
'logsBloom': HexBytes('0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'),
'mixHash': HexBytes('0xf693b8e4bc30728600da40a0578c14ddb7ad08a64e329a19d9355d5665588aef'),
'nonce': HexBytes('0x7382884a72533c59'),
'number': 12479,
'parentHash': HexBytes('0x889c36c51463f100cf50ec2e2a92886aa7ebb3f99fa8c817343214a92f967a29'),
'receiptsRoot': HexBytes('0x56e81f171bcc55a6ff8345e692c0f86e5b48e01b996cadc001622fb5e363b421'),
'sha3Uncles': HexBytes('0x1dcc4de8dec75d7aab85b567b6ccd41ad312451b948a7413f0a142fd40d49347'),
'stateRoot': HexBytes('0x6ad1ecb7d516c679e7c476956159051fa32848f3ba631a47c3fb72937ed86987'),
'timestamp': 1438368997,
'transactionsRoot': HexBytes('0x56e81f171bcc55a6ff8345e692c0f86e5b48e01b996cadc001622fb5e363b421'),
'miner': '0xbb7B8287f3F0a933474a79eAe42CBCa977791171',
'totalDifficulty': 3961372514945562,
'uncles': [],
'size': 544,
'transactions': []})

You can attach to an existing Trinity process using the attach comand.

trinity attach

For a list of JSON-RPC endpoints which are expected to work, see this issue: https://github.com/ethereum/py-evm/issues/178


Trinity is currently in public alpha. Keep in mind:

  • It is expected to have bugs and is not meant to be used in production
  • Things may be ridiculously slow or not work at all
  • Only a subset of JSON-RPC API calls are currently supported