
Trinity is a program that connects to the Ethereum network to operate as a full or light node. It is built on top of Py-EVM which is a new implementation of the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) written in Python.

Trinity and Py-EVM aim to replace existing Python Ethereum implementations to eventually become the defacto standard for the Python ecosystem.

If none of this makes sense to you yet we recommend to checkout the Ethereum website as well as a higher level description of the Ethereum project.


The main focus is to enrich the Ethereum ecosystem with a Python implementation that:

  • Supports Ethereum 1.0 as well as 2.0 / Serenity
  • Support “full” and “light” modes
  • Is well documented
  • Is easy to understand
  • Has clear APIs
  • Runs fast and resource friendly
  • Is highly flexible to support:
    • Public chains (including Mainnet, Ropsten and other networks)
    • Private chains
    • Consortium chains
    • Advanced research


Trinity is currently in public alpha and can connect and sync to the main Ethereum network. While it isn’t meant for production use yet, we encourage the adventurous to try it out. Follow along the Quickstart to get things going.

Further reading

Here are a couple more useful links to check out.

Table of contents
